
Here is my first post of a tutorial (2012 Aug/1/12). And I hope you like BeyondBeautyStar's videos:

I like this video because its one of the most simple/easy tutorial I know for nails.

These nails are T&Co. Inspired.
August/6/12: #1:
You can do this with shorter nails but it will be harder to cut the feathers because
the finger with be in the way (but it can, if careful, be done) #2:
I haven't gotten nail wraps yet, but now i won't wait any longer! 
I find nail raps a different species of nail polish, nail polish can be put on with multiple layers to darken or lighten up you nails, and wraps are put on just the way you bought them, so i  guess I'm saying you can be more creative with nail polish then with wraps, but then again instead of  paying more money going to the nail saloon for patterns and whatnot, you can just pop into a pharmacy and get some cheap but chic wraps :3
Oh and heres the nail wraps site: http://www.shopncla.com/  I also like these: http://sallyhansen.com/products/nails/nail-color/salon-effects-real-nail-polish-strips